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Re: [[Actris-acsm] ] International Conference on Aerosol Cycle (ICAC) 2017: 1st announcement
Chronological Thread
- From: Véronique RIFFAULT <veronique.riffault AT>
- To: actris-acsm <actris-acsm AT>, ams-users <ams-users AT>
- Cc: pascale.ebner AT
- Subject: Re: [[Actris-acsm] ] International Conference on Aerosol Cycle (ICAC) 2017: 1st announcement
- Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 10:11:25 +0100 (CET)
just a kind reminder, since the abstract deadline is approaching.
Best wishes to all for the new year,
Veronique Riffault
À: "actris-acsm" <actris-acsm AT>, "ams-users" <ams-users AT>
Envoyé: Mercredi 16 Novembre 2016 18:00:17
Objet: International Conference on Aerosol Cycle (ICAC) 2017: 1st announcement
Dear colleagues,
The first International Conference on Aerosol Cycle will be held in Villeneuve d’Ascq (near Lille), France, from March 21st to March 23rd 2017.
ICAC 2017 is organized in five sessions covering a broad range of interests from all fields related to the aerosol cycle Observation – Modeling – Physico-chemical properties – Reactivity of aerosols and their precursors – Climate and Impacts
Detailed program of ICAC 2017, registration procedure and registration fees, are available on the web pages of the conference:
Registration is open. Abstracts submission for talks and poster presentation have to be sent to icac2017 AT before January 15th 2017.
We would be delighted if you could come and/or contribute to the success of this event by a large diffusion of this announcement in your laboratory.
Best regards,
Véronique RIFFAULT
Member of the Scientific Committee
PS: sorry for any cross-posting!
Département Sciences de l'Atmosphère et Génie de l'Environnement
IMT Lille Douai
941, rue Charles Bourseul - CS 10838 - 59508 Douai Cedex - France
Tél. : (33) 327 712 604 / Fax : (33) 327 712 914

- Re: [[Actris-acsm] ] International Conference on Aerosol Cycle (ICAC) 2017: 1st announcement, Véronique RIFFAULT, 01/11/2017
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