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Subject: The OPAL Discussion Forum
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- From: "Adelmann Andreas (PSI)" <andreas.adelmann AT psi.ch>
- To: Simon Friederich <sifriede AT uni-mainz.de>
- Cc: Dragos Constantin <Dragos.Constantin AT varian.com>, "opal AT lists.psi.ch" <opal AT lists.psi.ch>
- Subject: Re: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces
- Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2020 17:38:55 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US, de-CH
Dear Simon I can reproduce your results as shown here.

Dr. sc. math. Andreas (Andy) Adelmann
Head a.i. Labor for Scientific Computing and Modelling
Paul Scherrer Institut OHSA/ CH-5232 Villigen PSI
Phone Office: xx41 56 310 42 33 Fax: xx41 56 310 31 91
Zoom ID: 470-582-4086 Password: AdA
Friday: ETH HPK G 28 +41 44 633 3076
The more exotic, the more abstract the knowledge,
the more profound will be its consequences.
Leon Lederman
On 11 Sep 2020, at 21:33, Simon Friederich <sifriede AT uni-mainz.de> wrote:
Good evening Dragos,
Yes indeed. I am using python + pandas to convert the fieldmaps.
Using df_reordered=df.sort_values(by=['x','y','z']) results exactly in the order you've mentioned (in the example y=0 as this is the cylindrical 2DDynamic fieldmap)
[In the next step I write the headlines (e.g. 2DDynamics, zmin zmax Nz-1, FREQ, xmin xmax Nx-1) and only the needed columns into the resulting opal-fieldmap file according to the manual]
I hope, that I've not overseen something here. At least for the reference particle I can assume, that it sees the correct field (Ex_ref, Ey_ref, Ez_ref).
Best regards
Am 11.09.2020 um 18:00 schrieb Dragos Constantin:
BYAPR05MB44887243A0E63E4D56D6D68C8D240 AT BYAPR05MB4488.namprd05.prod.outlook.com" style="font-family:Calibri-Bold; font-size:24px; text-align:start">Hi Simon,I supposed you have checked that the points inside the field maps are correctly ordered, e.g. for 3D field maps the z coordinate is the fastest and, y is next , and x is the slowest.Did you try to normalize the field map?Thanks,DragosDragos Constantin, PhD
Sr. Research ScientistVarian Medical Systems
3120 Hansen Way, MS G201, Palo Alto, CA 94304 United States
dragos.constantin AT varian.com
T +650.424.5914 | F +650.842.5035
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Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 1:36 AM
To: Adelmann Andreas (PSI) <andreas.adelmann AT psi.ch>
Cc: opal AT lists.psi.ch
Subject: Re: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spacesGood morning Andreas,
Please follow this link to the fieldmaps (named cst2opal_100keV_xyz_3DDynamic.t7 and cst2opal_100keV_xz_2DDynamic.t7)
Best regards,
Am 11.09.2020 um 10:24 schrieb Adelmann Andreas (PSI):Hello Simon, I can not see an obvious mistake. Please share thefield maps then I can have detailed look at the problem.Thanks &Cheers A------
Dr. sc. math. Andreas (Andy) Adelmann
Head a.i. Labor for Scientific Computing and Modelling
Paul Scherrer Institut OHSA/ CH-5232 Villigen PSI
Phone Office: xx41 56 310 42 33 Fax: xx41 56 310 31 91
Zoom ID: 470-582-4086 Password: AdA
Friday: ETH HPK G 28 +41 44 633 3076
The more exotic, the more abstract the knowledge,
the more profound will be its consequences.
Leon Lederman
On 10 Sep 2020, at 15:40, Simon Friederich <sifriede AT uni-mainz.de> wrote:Dear OPAL-Team,I am trying to simulate a DC electron source. I implemented a 2DDynamics fieldmap into OPAL, that I've exported from CST. Furthermore I've set the frequency to 1 Hz as shown in the DC Gun example.Unfortunately the longitudinal phase spaces look unexpected. Here I've plotted the h5-output for the gun simulation as well as a pure drift simulation of a 100keV electron beam (same bunch sizes and parameters but the energy is fixed) as comparison.<flaghcfdkllelgbc.png>One can see a strange saw-tooth like pattern convoluted with another almost trident-like one.This is my emitted gaussian distribution (nothing special, I'd say):distr_gauss:
SIGMAR = 0.5e-3, CUTOFFR = 3,
CUTOFFLONG = 3;distr_debug:
SIGMAT = 10.0e-12,
NBIN = 0, // This I've varied
EMISSIONSTEPS=10, // this I've varied too
EMISSIONMODEL = NONE;Maybe you see something obvious, that I did wrong? (I've also put my input file in the attachement, the fieldmaps are quite large, if you want them I'll add a seafile link)I've compared the Ez-field of the reference particle. It looks exactly like the one I've exported from CST. (My next idea was to dumb all E-fields and plot this, but this could be a lot of work and might not bring up the source of the problem). And I've also imported a 3DDynamics field, but there is also no difference to be seen (the source has a cylindrical symmetry, so both should work).Best regards and thank you very much as always in advanceSimon-------------------------------------Dr. Simon FriederichHelmholtz-Institut MainzKollaboration B/ACIDJohannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzStaudingerweg 1855128 Mainz, DeutschlandTel.: +49 (0)6131 39-23160E-Mail: sifriede AT uni-mainz.de----------------------------------------<dc_gun.in>-------------------------------------Dr. Simon FriederichHelmholtz-Institut MainzKollaboration B/ACIDJohannes Gutenberg-Universität MainzStaudingerweg 1855128 Mainz, DeutschlandTel.: +49 (0)6131 39-23160E-Mail: sifriede AT uni-mainz.de------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- Dr. Simon Friederich Helmholtz-Institut Mainz Kollaboration B/ACID Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Staudingerweg 18 55128 Mainz, Deutschland Tel.: +49 (0)6131 39-23160 E-Mail: sifriede AT uni-mainz.de ----------------------------------------
[Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces,
Simon Friederich, 09/10/2020
Re: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces,
Adelmann Andreas (PSI), 09/11/2020
Re: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces,
Simon Friederich, 09/11/2020
RE: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces,
Dragos Constantin, 09/11/2020
Re: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces,
Simon Friederich, 09/11/2020
- Re: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces, Adelmann Andreas (PSI), 09/15/2020
Re: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces,
Simon Friederich, 09/11/2020
RE: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces,
Dragos Constantin, 09/11/2020
Re: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces,
Simon Friederich, 09/11/2020
Re: [Opal] DC gun simulation: Unexpected longitudinal phase spaces,
Adelmann Andreas (PSI), 09/11/2020
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