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[Opal] OPAL-T photo injector simulation: Inconsistent ELEMEDGE / L values and deleted particles while simulation is running.
Chronological Thread
- From: "Li, Zhi" <zql810 AT mail.usask.ca>
- To: "opal AT lists.psi.ch" <opal AT lists.psi.ch>
- Cc: "Boland, Mark" <mark.boland AT usask.ca>
- Subject: [Opal] OPAL-T photo injector simulation: Inconsistent ELEMEDGE / L values and deleted particles while simulation is running.
- Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 03:24:18 +0000
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Dear OPAL developers,

My name is Zhi Li. I'm a research assistant at the Canadian Light Source, working with Dr. Mark Boland.
Recently I was tasked to run photo injector simulations using OPAL-T. The components in my simulation consists of two solenoid field maps, a RF field map, and the input file. I used CST EM/Microwave Studio for the field maps.
Since I'm a first time OPAL-T user, my strategy is to adopt the example photo injector input file here:
and modify the parameters to fit my needs.
Currently there are two major problems in my simulation:
1) I noticed that the "ELEMEDGE" and "L" values defined in the input file are inconsistent in the OUT file.
For example, in the input file the values are:

While the corresponding values in the out file are:

2) Particles are being deleted during the simulation.

All three field maps that I'm using for the simulation are exported from CST Studio and formatted according to the specified 2D Magnetostatic and 2D Dynamics criteria.
I have attached the input, output, field map files and the original CST Studio (before any modification in python) in the following link.
If someone can give me some guidance on how to fix problem 1) and 2), that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
[Opal] OPAL-T photo injector simulation: Inconsistent ELEMEDGE / L values and deleted particles while simulation is running.,
Li, Zhi, 10/14/2020
- Re: [Opal] OPAL-T photo injector simulation: Inconsistent ELEMEDGE / L values and deleted particles while simulation is running., Christof Metzger-Kraus, 10/14/2020
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