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Subject: The OPAL Discussion Forum
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- From: Philippe Piot <philippe.piot AT gmail.com>
- Cc: opal <opal AT lists.psi.ch>
- Subject: Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value
- Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2021 05:57:05 -0500
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Thank you, Andreas, Simon, and Christof. Unfortunately, none of the suggestions worked:
- adding the ELEMEDGE to the drifts did not change anything
- I had looked at the particle trajectories; see below and they seem like following the trajectory I would expect in a deflecting cavity with a vertical deflection kick.
- I set my field to very low values and try to remove my -Pi/2 rotation and the simulation runs all the way. So I suspect something to do with the rotation.
The fields I was given were dumped on an (x,y,z) with x being the cavity axis hence my rotation by -Pi/2 around the y axis (by the way in orientation the {Theta, Phi, Psi} Theta is the rotation along the y-axis) I use the L=0.032 corresponding to the length of the cavity (which corresponds to the direction in the original CST file).
In case somebody wants to check I made a tar-ziped file attached. Thank you very much. All the best, -- Philippe.

On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 7:18 AM Christof Metzger-Kraus <christof.j.kraus AT gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Philippe,could you create the outline of the beamline (python data/deflector_ElementPositions.py --project-to-plane), plot it with gnuplot and check that everything looks fine? If it does look fine then you could also plot the path of the reference particle (in data/deflector_DesignPath.dat columns 4 and 2).I've tried a similar scenario with the Slit-2 regression test (https://gitlab.psi.ch/OPAL/regression-tests/-/tree/master/RegressionTests/Slit-2) by replacing ELEMEDGE with ORIGIN. It worked fine.ChristofOn Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 12:58 PM Philippe Piot <philippe.piot AT gmail.com> wrote:Dear All,I have a very simple beamline as follows:
TDC: RFCavity, L = 0.032, VOLT = 1*Vtdc, ORIGIN = {0,0,0.016},
ORIENTATION = {-Pi/2.,0.0, 0.0}, TYPE = "STANDING",
FMAPFN = "./xBandDeflector.T7", FREQ = 11700.0, LAG = tdcPhi;
DR1: DRIFT, L = 1.0, ORIGIN = {0., 0., 0.0};
MyLine: Line = (TDC, DR1);combined with the track commandTRACK, LINE = MyLine, BEAM = BEAM1, MAXSTEPS = 1900000, DT = 1.0e-13, ZSTOP=0.15;Somehow OPAL always end at 0.032 (which appears to coincide with the end of the RFCavity element) and the output ends withOPAL {0}[2]> * Wrote beam phase space.
ParallelTTracker {0}[2]> Dump phase space of last step
Ippl{0}[3]> DR1 gone off
Ippl{0}[3]> DR2 gone off
Ippl{0}[3]> * ************ I N F O *********************************************************
Ippl{0}[3]> * freed fieldmap './xBandDeflector.T7' *
Ippl{0}[3]> * ******************************************************************************
Ippl{0}[3]> TDC gone off
OPAL{0}> done executing ParallelTTracker at 05:54:44
OPAL{0}> * End of input stream "deflector.in".Somehow it claims (I think the "gone off" meaning) there is no more element after the RFCavity?I also tried different combinations with drift but it did not help. Thank you, -- Philippe.
Description: application/gzip
[Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value,
Philippe Piot, 09/14/2021
- Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value, Adelmann Andreas (PSI), 09/14/2021
- Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value, Dr. Simon Friederich, 09/14/2021
Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value,
Christof Metzger-Kraus, 09/14/2021
Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value,
Philippe Piot, 09/15/2021
Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value,
Christof Metzger-Kraus, 09/15/2021
Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value,
Adelmann Andreas (PSI), 09/15/2021
- Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value, Philippe Piot, 09/17/2021
Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value,
Adelmann Andreas (PSI), 09/15/2021
Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value,
Christof Metzger-Kraus, 09/15/2021
Re: [Opal] opal finishes before ZSTOP value,
Philippe Piot, 09/15/2021
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