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Re: [Opal] space phase

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  • From: "Alba Jacas Arnau (PSI)" <arnau.albajacas AT>
  • To: "opal AT" <opal AT>, "Snuverink Jochem (PSI)" <jochem.snuverink AT>
  • Cc: 'Fazel Taft' <fazeltaft AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Opal] space phase
  • Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2022 12:22:18 +0000
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Dear Fazel,

In addition to what Jochem mentioned, if you want to read the .h5 files in Python you can use something like this

Then you can see the full longitudinal phase space.

Maybe this also answers your other email? I'm not sure what you meant by "getting the curvilinear system". All the information available is either in the .stat or .h5 files.

Hope this helps.



From: opal-request AT <opal-request AT> on behalf of Snuverink Jochem (PSI) <jochem.snuverink AT>
Sent: 15 September 2022 17:33:55
To: opal AT
Cc: 'Fazel Taft'
Subject: [Opal] WG: space phase

Dear Fazel,


I forward your question to the OPAL mailing list.


I believe it should be possible to draw the same result with pyOPALTools. Probably the .stat file should contain all the information you need? explains the columns of the stat file. For the first plot you could use energy spread (column 40) vs path length (column 2).


Best wishes,



Von: Fazel Taft <fazeltaft AT>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. September 2022 14:04
An: Snuverink Jochem (PSI) <jochem.snuverink AT>
Betreff: space phase


Dear Dr.Snuverink

I am working on a linear accelerator project and using OPAL for designing beam dynamic.

I upload my files such as  : , and twe electric fields : OPLAlEZtab1 and 3

By only working on it I have some parameters in the ".stat" file but I'm not able to look at the ".h5" file. I know the pyopaltools but the result  I need to have access to phase space in the longitudinal direction.

on top of that I am using Dynac (cern) code , I attached the result of this program. How can I get the same result from OPAL . is it possible to draw this result by PYOPALtoos? If yes who?

could you help me to have better access to the input file. 

best wishes

  • [Opal] WG: space phase, Snuverink Jochem (PSI), 09/15/2022
    • Re: [Opal] space phase, Alba Jacas Arnau (PSI), 09/16/2022

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