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opal - [Opal] Reproducer for Bleed Through Issue

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[Opal] Reproducer for Bleed Through Issue

Chronological Thread  
  • From: John Parrack <jparrack AT>
  • To: opal AT
  • Subject: [Opal] Reproducer for Bleed Through Issue
  • Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2023 08:21:46 -0700

(Sending again, first try said message was over 1000kb send limit0

To reproduce, unzip MLCv2_Setup and convert input file to find requisite files in your directory. Run simulation on the EEX portion of the beamline using the MLCv2-Mask21f.pbm mask element. Extract the resulting h5 (or data around mask at step 16,17,18 or so) and view the distribution using the PlottingScript. 

If I follow this procedure using a mask without vertical stripes it seems to work normally, for the Mask21f (and 4o other variations on it) I observe the bleed through effect at the masking step and this leads to the witness beam being connected to the main distribution at the end of the beamline (an issue for us). 

Please let me know if you have any questions. Very possible I've made some mess along the way but I've been struggling to sort it out myself. 
John Parrack
Particle Beam Physics Lab | Undergraduate Physics | UCLA
# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
# LPS plotting
# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
# LPS plotting
from IPython import get_ipython
get_ipython().run_line_magic('reset', '-sf')
import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
from matplotlib import rc
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import (inset_axes, InsetPosition,
nullfmt = NullFormatter() # no labels

# Import OPAL output data
# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
# Directory
parent_dir = "A:/PBPL/"

# File name
opalout = "input.h5"

# Data extraction
print("Data extraction started")
dataopal = h5py.File(parent_dir+opalout, 'r+')

step= 19

# Grid size
grid_z = 30
grid_d = 30


# Stepsize repository
stepdirx = 'Step#'+str(step)+'/x'
stepdiry = 'Step#'+str(step)+'/y'
stepdirz = 'Step#'+str(step)+'/z'
stepdirpx = 'Step#'+str(step)+'/px'
stepdirpy = 'Step#'+str(step)+'/py'
stepdirpz = 'Step#'+str(step)+'/pz'

# Access to attribute data
pRef = dataopal['Step#'+str(step)+'/'].attrs['RefPartP'][2]
zRef = dataopal['Step#'+str(step)+'/'].attrs['RefPartR'][2]
print("position z is "+str(zRef) + " m.")

# Beam data
x = dataopal.get(stepdirx)
X = np.array(x)

y = dataopal.get(stepdiry)
Y = np.array(y)

z = dataopal.get(stepdirz)
z = np.array(z)
Z = z-np.mean(z)

T = Z / 3e8

px= dataopal.get(stepdirpx)
px= np.array(px)

py= dataopal.get(stepdirpy)
py= np.array(py)

pz= dataopal.get(stepdirpz)
pz= np.array(pz)

# Divergence
xp = np.array(px) / pRef
yp = np.array(py) / pRef

sigx = np.sqrt( np.mean( ((x - np.mean(x))**2 )))*1e3
sigy = np.sqrt( np.mean( ((y - np.mean(y))**2 )))*1e3
sigz = np.sqrt( np.mean( ((z - np.mean(z))**2 )))*1e3

mean_xz=(np.mean((x-np.mean(x)) * z))
mean_xpz=(np.mean((xp-np.mean(xp)) * z))

# Fractional energy spread
delta = (pz - pRef) /pRef
delta = (pz - np.mean(pz)) / np.mean(pz)

# RMS energy spread
sigd = np.sqrt( np.mean( ((delta - np.mean(delta))**2 )))
print("Data extraction completed")

# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
# Emittance calculation
print("Emittance calculation started")
emitx = np.sqrt( np.mean((x-np.mean(x))**2)*np.mean((xp-np.mean(xp))**2) -
emity = np.sqrt( np.mean((y-np.mean(y))**2)*np.mean((yp-np.mean(yp))**2) -

# Normalized emittance
enx = emitx * pRef
eny = emity * pRef

# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
# Linear Twiss parameters from this setting
betax = (sigx**2)*1e-6 / emitx # since sigx is in mm unit
betay = (sigy**2)*1e-6 / emity

alphax= - (np.mean((x-np.mean(x))*(xp-np.mean(xp)))) / emitx
alphay= - (np.mean((y-np.mean(y))*(yp-np.mean(yp)))) / emity

# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
# Define the x and y data
# For example just using random numbers
x = np.array(x)*1e3
y = np.array(y)*1e3

# Estimate the 2D histogram
nbins = 251

# =====================================================================
# Mesh range for plotting
Xedges = np.linspace(-grid_z, grid_z, nbins)
Yedges = np.linspace(-grid_d, grid_d, nbins)

# 2D histogram: Initial processing
H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x,y,bins=(Xedges, Yedges))
# H needs to be rotated and flipped
H = np.rot90(H)
H = np.flipud(H)
# Noramalization
H1 = H / max(map(max, H))
print("Emittance calculation completed")

# =====================================================================
# Mesh range for interpolating
print("Interpolation started")
Xedgesi = np.linspace(-grid_z, grid_z, nbins-1)
Yedgesi = np.linspace(-grid_d, grid_d, nbins-1)

# Interpolation processing for 2D histogram
f = interp2d(Xedgesi, Yedgesi, H1, kind='cubic')

# New edges for interpolated data
Xedgesnew = np.linspace(-grid_z, grid_z, nbins*5)
Yedgesnew = np.linspace(-grid_d, grid_d, nbins*5)
H_interpolated = f(Xedgesnew, Yedgesnew)
# Normalization
H1_interpolated = H_interpolated / max(map(max, H_interpolated))
Xn, Yn = np.meshgrid(Xedgesnew, Yedgesnew)

# Projected histograms inx and y
hist_x, hist_y = H1_interpolated.sum(axis=0), H1_interpolated.sum(axis=1)

# Normalization
histx = hist_x / max(hist_x)
histy = hist_y / max(hist_y)

x_h = np.linspace(-grid_z, grid_z, len(Xn))
y_h = np.linspace(-grid_d, grid_d, len(Yn))
print("Interpolation completed")

# =====================================================================
# =====================================================================
# Plotting
print("Plotting started")

# Font size
fsize = 20
rc('figure', figsize = (10,8))
rc('axes', grid = False)
rc('lines', linewidth = 2, color = 'r')
rc('font', size = fsize)

# Image and histogram
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
#plt.text(-15, 0.6, r'$\mathrm{(c)}$', {'color': 'w', 'fontsize': 30})
plt.pcolormesh(Xn, Yn, H1_interpolated)
plt.plot([0,0],[-grid_d, grid_d], ':', linewidth=1.0, color=(1,1,1))
plt.plot([-grid_z, grid_z],[0,0], ':', linewidth=1.0, color=(1,1,1))
#plt.pcolormesh(Xn, Yn, data1)
plt.xlabel('$x$ (mm)', fontsize=fsize)
plt.ylabel('$y$ (mm)', fontsize=fsize)
#plt.ylabel('$x\'$ (mrad)', fontsize=fsize)
cbar = plt.colorbar()
#plt.clim([0.5,1])'Normalized density', fontsize=fsize)

# Create a set of inset Axes: these should fill the bounding box allocated to
# them.
ax2 = plt.axes([0,0,1,1])
# Manually set the position and relative size of the inset axes within ax1
ip1 = InsetPosition(ax1, [0.0, 0.001, 1.0, 0.3])

# The data: only display for low temperature in the inset figure.
ax2.plot(x_h, histx/2, '-', linewidth=1.4, color=(1,1,1))
ax2.axis([-grid_z, grid_z, 0, 1])

# Create a set of inset Axes: these should fill the bounding box allocated to
# them.
ax3 = plt.axes([0,0,1,1])
# Manually set the position and relative size of the inset axes within ax1
ip3 = InsetPosition(ax1, [0.001, 0.0, 0.3, 1.0])

# The data: only display for low temperature in the inset figure.
ax3.plot(histy/2, y_h, '-', linewidth=1.4, color=(1,1,1))
ax3.axis([0, 1, -grid_d, grid_d])

Attachment: PlottingScript.ipynb
Description: Binary data

  • [Opal] Reproducer for Bleed Through Issue, John Parrack, 07/24/2023

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