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Subject: The OPAL Discussion Forum
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- From: "Rizzoglio Valeria (PSI)" <valeria.rizzoglio AT psi.ch>
- To: opal <Opal AT lists.psi.ch>
- Subject: [Opal] Beam profile
- Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2017 09:01:00 +0000
- Accept-language: it-IT, de-CH, en-US
Dear all
I am running a simulation with a graphite degrader that reduces the energy of a proton beam from 250 to 70 MeV. Attached the input file (Degrader_70.in)
I am running a simulation with a graphite degrader that reduces the energy of a proton beam from 250 to 70 MeV. Attached the input file (Degrader_70.in)
The goal of my analysis is to evaluate the emittance growth due to particle-matter interaction. I use the last monitor M_Moliere placed 1 m away from the degrader. The evaluated emittance results a factor 2 bigger than expected. I plot the beam profile (see attachment).
To me this beam profile looks weird. Is there any reason to see the 4 “perfect aligned” tails? Have you ever notice this kind of behaviour? I think this tails are responsible for the wrong emittance evaluation.
Thanks for your help

Description: Degrader_70.in
- [Opal] Beam profile, Rizzoglio Valeria (PSI), 03/23/2017
- Re: [Opal] Beam profile, Christof Metzger-Kraus, 03/23/2017
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