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opal - Re: [Opal] 3D electric fields data

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Re: [Opal] 3D electric fields data

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Snuverink Jochem (PSI)" <jochem.snuverink AT>
  • To: Taufik Ssi <taufikis AT>, "Calvo Portela, Pedro" <Pedro.Calvo AT>
  • Cc: opal <opal AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Opal] 3D electric fields data
  • Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 15:13:00 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US, de-CH

Dear Taufik,

Please find the file attached.

Best regards,


On 10/01/2020 08:30, Taufik Ssi wrote:

Dear Pedro Calvo Portela,


Thank you. I installed OPAL from binary distribution. In OPAL 2.0.2 version, there is src folder but it's only empty folder. Meanwhile, there is no such folder In the OPAL 2.2.0. So how to get ascii2h5block_asgic.cpp?


Best regards,



Center for Accelerator Science and Technology -

National Nuclear Energy agency of Indonesia


On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 4:34 AM Calvo Portela, Pedro <Pedro.Calvo AT> wrote:

Dear Taufik


The file format needed in TYPE=BANDRF is h5part. You can convert any ascii data file to h5part with the cpp program found in src/tools/BandRF/ascii2h5block_asgic.cpp, in your opal directory. You have to modify the geometric limits of the region of the electric field and the mesh inside this file




Pedro Calvo Portela
Unidad de Aceleradores - CIEMAT
Avenida Complutense 40, Edificio 7
28040 Madrid
Tel: +34 – 91 496 2554

De: opal-request AT [opal-request AT] en nombre de Taufik Ssi [taufikis AT]
Enviado: jueves, 09 de enero de 2020 8:40
Para: opal
Asunto: [Opal] 3D electric fields data

Dear All,
I want to import Dee electric fields data for cyclotron particle tracking
simulation. From OPAL manual, it can be done by using TYPE=BANDRF.
However, I am still confused about how the 3D electric field data format
should be written. Can anyone help me with this case?
Best regards,



Purpose: Convert ANSIS E & B-Field data into H5hut (H5block)
         format for usage in OPAL.

Usage: ascii2h5block efield.txt hfield.txt ehfield

To visualize use Visit:

Ch. Wang & A. Adelmann, 2011
D. Winklehner, 2013

ToDo: make it more generic / duh -DW
static2: Changed it to reflect new field files from Daniela on Sep. 15 2014
static2a: 0-Hfield for IsoDAR central region RF

#include <fstream>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include "H5hut.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
    if (argc != 3) {
        std::cout << "Wrong number of arguments: ascii2h5block efield.txt outfield" << std::endl;

    std::string efin(argv[1]);
    std::string ehfout(argv[2]);
    std::string ehfout_c = ehfout + std::string("_CYC.h5part");

    std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Using " << efin << " to create " << ehfout_c << std::endl;

    // Open file streams
    std::ifstream finE;;

    // Get number of lines
    int nlinesE = std::count(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(finE), 
			     std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), '\n');
    std::cout << "Lines in finE: " << nlinesE << std::endl;

    // Header has 5 lines
    int nlines = nlinesE - 5;

    // Reset iterator
    finE.seekg(0, finE.beg);
    std::string templine;

    // Skip the 5 header lines
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
      std::getline(finE, templine);

    /* Set frequency (TODO: ask AA if this is the right thing 
    to do for static fields -DW) */
    h5_float64_t freq = 49.2e6; //49.2 MHz ->Hz

    h5_float64_t *FieldstrengthEz = new h5_float64_t[nlines]; 
    h5_float64_t *FieldstrengthEx = new h5_float64_t[nlines]; 
    h5_float64_t *FieldstrengthEy = new h5_float64_t[nlines]; 
    h5_float64_t *FieldstrengthHz = new h5_float64_t[nlines];  
    h5_float64_t *FieldstrengthHx = new h5_float64_t[nlines];
    h5_float64_t *FieldstrengthHy = new h5_float64_t[nlines];

    // Daniela's latest files don't have the x,y,z coordinates anymore
    // Got the following from the readme file accompanying the fields:
    h5_float64_t xbegin = -90.0;
    h5_float64_t xend   = -10.0;
    h5_float64_t ybegin = -30.0;
    h5_float64_t yend   = 30.0;
    h5_float64_t zbegin = -1.0;
    h5_float64_t zend   = 1.0;

    // Init the arrays for fields
    double *Ex = new double[nlines];
    double *Ey = new double[nlines];
    double *Ez = new double[nlines];
    /*N.B.: Daniela's files now have the structure: Bx,By,Bz; no complex numbers
     units are cm, V/cm and Gauss */
    for(int i = 0; i < nlines; i++) {
        finE >> Ex[i] >> Ey[i] >> Ez[i];


    double Emax = 0.0;
    double E_temp;
    int i_temp = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < nlines; i++){
        E_temp = std::sqrt(Ex[i] * Ex[i] + Ey[i] * Ey[i] + Ez[i] * Ez[i]);
        if (E_temp > Emax) {
            Emax = E_temp;
            i_temp = i;

    std::cout << "Hardcoded limits: x(" << xbegin << "/" << xend << ") cm" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Hardcoded limits: y(" << ybegin << "/" << yend << ") cm" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Hardcoded limits: z(" << zbegin << "/" << zend << ") cm" << std::endl;

    // Set spacing 
    // TODO: Make program find spacing automatically -DW
    double spacing = 0.2;

    std::cout << "Hardcoded spacing: " << spacing << " cm" << std::endl;

    double gridPx_temp = (xend - xbegin) / spacing + 1.0;
    double gridPy_temp = (yend - ybegin) / spacing + 1.0;
    double gridPz_temp = (zend - zbegin) / spacing + 1.0;

    int gridPx = (int) gridPx_temp;
    int gridPy = (int) gridPy_temp;
    int gridPz = (int) gridPz_temp;

    int nlines_hc = gridPx * gridPy * gridPz;

    std::cout << "Hardcoded nlines: " << nlines_hc << std::endl;
    std::cout << "File nlines: " << nlines << std::endl; 

    std::cout << "Grid dimensions: Px = " << gridPx << " , Py = " << gridPy << " , Pz = " << gridPz << std::endl;

    std::cout << "E_max = (" << Ex[i_temp] << ", "<< Ey[i_temp] << ", " << Ez[i_temp] << ") V/cm at index " << i_temp << "." << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Converting from V/cm and cm to kV/mm and mm before saving h5part" << std::endl;

    // Here we also convert from from G to kG
    for (int i = 0; i < gridPz; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < gridPy; j++) {
	for (int k = 0; k < gridPx; k++) {
                FieldstrengthEx[k+j*gridPx+i*gridPx*gridPy]=0.0; //static_cast<h5_float64_t>(Ex[i+j*gridPz+k*gridPz*gridPy])*1e-4;
                FieldstrengthEy[k+j*gridPx+i*gridPx*gridPy]=0.0; //static_cast<h5_float64_t>(Ey[i+j*gridPz+k*gridPz*gridPy])*1e-4;
                FieldstrengthEz[k+j*gridPx+i*gridPx*gridPy]=0.0; //static_cast<h5_float64_t>(Ez[i+j*gridPz+k*gridPz*gridPy])*1e-4;

    // Here we also convert from V/cm to kV/mm (MV/m)
    for (int i = 0; i < gridPz; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < gridPy; j++) {
	for (int k = 0; k < gridPx; k++) {
                FieldstrengthHx[k+j*gridPx+i*gridPx*gridPy]=0.0; //static_cast<h5_float64_t>(Hx[i+j*gridPz+k*gridPz*gridPy])*1e-3;
		     FieldstrengthHy[k+j*gridPx+i*gridPx*gridPy]=0.0; //static_cast<h5_float64_t>(Hy[i+j*gridPz+k*gridPz*gridPy])*1e-3;
		     FieldstrengthHz[k+j*gridPx+i*gridPx*gridPy]=0.0; //static_cast<h5_float64_t>(Hz[i+j*gridPz+k*gridPz*gridPy])*1e-3;
    // Change spacing and limits from cm to mm
    spacing *= 10.0;
    xbegin *= 10; ybegin *= 10; zbegin *= 10;
    xend *= 10; yend *= 10; zend *= 10;

    // Write h5part file for OPAL-CYC
    h5_err_t h5err;
    h5_file_t file = H5OpenFile(ehfout_c.c_str(), H5_O_WRONLY, H5_PROP_DEFAULT);
    h5err = H5Block3dSetView(file,
                             0, gridPx - 1,
                             0, gridPy - 1,
                             0, gridPz - 1);
    if(file) {

        H5SetStep(file, 0);

        H5Block3dWriteVector3dFieldFloat64 (
	    file,            /*!< IN: file handle */
	    "Efield",        /*!< IN: name of dataset to write */
	    FieldstrengthEx, /*!< IN: X axis data */
	    FieldstrengthEy, /*!< IN: Y axis data */
	    FieldstrengthEz  /*!< IN: Z axis data */

        h5err = H5Block3dSetFieldSpacing(file, "Efield", spacing, spacing, spacing);
        h5err = H5Block3dSetFieldOrigin(file, "Efield", xbegin, ybegin, zbegin);

        H5Block3dWriteVector3dFieldFloat64 (
	    file,            /*!< IN: file handle */
	    "Hfield",	     /*!< IN: name of dataset to write */
	    FieldstrengthHx, /*!< IN: X axis data */
	    FieldstrengthHy, /*!< IN: Y axis data */
	    FieldstrengthHz  /*!< IN: Z axis data */

        h5err = H5Block3dSetFieldSpacing(file, "Hfield", spacing, spacing, spacing);
        h5err = H5Block3dSetFieldOrigin(file, "Hfield", xbegin, ybegin, zbegin);

	// Frequency here really in Hz ??? -DW
        H5WriteFileAttribFloat64 (
            file,            /*!< [in] Handle to open file */
            "Resonance Frequency(Hz)", /*!< [in] Name of attribute */
            &freq,           /*!< [in] Array of attribute values */ 
            1	             /*!< [in] Number of array elements */


    // Write text file for OPAL-T
    std::ofstream foutEH;;

    // Change spacing and limits to cm
    spacing = spacing * 1.0e-1;
    xbegin *= 1.0e-1; ybegin *= 1.0e-1; zbegin *= 1.0e-1;
    xend *= 1.0e-1; yend *= 1.0e-1; zend *= 1.0e-1;

    // Header
    foutEH << "3DDynamic\tXYZ\n";
    foutEH << freq*1e-6 << "\n"; // frequency in MHz
    foutEH << xbegin << "\t" << xend << "\t" << gridPx-1 << "\n"; //cm / cm / #
    foutEH << ybegin << "\t" << yend << "\t" << gridPy-1 << "\n"; //cm / cm / #
    foutEH << zbegin << "\t" << zend << "\t" << gridPz-1 << "\n"; //cm / cm / #
    // Fielddata
    // Here we also convert from V/cm to kV/mm (MV/m) and from G to T (NB the difference to the CYC field!)

    for (int i=0; i<nlines; i++) {
      foutEH << Ex[i]*1e-4 << "\t" << Ey[i]*1e-4 << "\t" << Ez[i]*1e-4 << "\t";
      foutEH << Hx[i]*1e-4 << "\t" << Hy[i]*1e-4 << "\t" << Hz[i]*1e-4 << "\n";


    std::cout << "Done, bye ..." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;

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