opal AT lists.psi.ch
Subject: The OPAL Discussion Forum
List archive
- From: Nicole R Neveu <nneveu AT stanford.edu>
- To: Wei Hou Tan <tanweihou AT outlook.com>, opal <opal AT lists.psi.ch>
- Subject: Re: [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra
- Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 18:01:48 +0000
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Hi Wei-Hou,
Can you please send error file / related input files.
From: <opal-request AT lists.psi.ch> on behalf of Wei Hou Tan <tanweihou AT outlook.com>
Guten Tag,
This is Wei-Hou TAN, graduate student from the Northern Illinois University working with Prof. Philippe Piot.
I would like to use my ASTRA initial distribution in OPAL to compare both ASTRA and OPAL simulation results. However, I could not make it work. The step0 distribution in OPAL hdf5 file is different from that of in ASTRA, it is shorter.
Here is what I did: I generated my ASTRA distribution in the following format, then rearranged columns in red circles to produce correct format for OPAL. Then in OPAL, I wrote the following: Dist: DISTRIBUTION, TYPE = FROMFILE, FNAME = "opal.ini", EMISSIONMODEL = ASTRA, EMITTED = True;
Is it correct ? Thank you.
Regards Wei Hou |
- [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra, Wei Hou Tan, 02/12/2020
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra, Nicole R Neveu, 02/12/2020
- Message not available
- Re: [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra, Nicole R Neveu, 02/12/2020
- Re: [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra, Wei Hou Tan, 02/12/2020
- Re: [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra, Nicole R Neveu, 02/12/2020
- RE: [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra, Kuske, Bettina, 02/14/2020
- RE: [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra, Kuske, Bettina, 02/14/2020
- Message not available
- Re: [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra, Wei Hou Tan, 02/14/2020
- Re: [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra, Wei Hou Tan, 02/12/2020
- Re: [Opal] Loading initial distribution from Astra, Nicole R Neveu, 02/12/2020
- Message not available
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