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- From: Youna Park <ypark137 AT gmail.com>
- To: opal AT lists.psi.ch
- Subject: [Opal] Fwd: Issue with Backtracking in OPAL
- Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 03:11:49 -0500
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Hello Andreas,
I forward the OPAL mailing list this inquiry about backtracking.
I don't have a figure to show since the output was not produced, but
this is the output log (opal.o3447132 in the zip file):

The log says my version is 2.2.0.
I don't know if my input was in the way that is supposed to be, what I wrote was the following:

Thank you,
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Stephen Webb <swebb AT radiasoft.net>
Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: Issue with Backtracking in OPAL
Cc: Youna Park <ypark137 AT gmail.com>
From: Stephen Webb <swebb AT radiasoft.net>
Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: Issue with Backtracking in OPAL
Cc: Youna Park <ypark137 AT gmail.com>
Hi Youna,
Could you email the OPAL mailing list with this?
On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 2:16 PM Adelmann Andreas (PSI) <andreas.adelmann AT psi.ch> wrote:
Hi Stephen, please send the problems to opal AT lists.psi.ch. Besides the input files itwould also be important to have the OPAl version together with some plots of theresults/problems. This ensures that you get the fastest response.
Cheers A------
Dr. sc. math. Andreas (Andy) Adelmann
Head a.i. Labor for Scientific Computing and Modelling
Paul Scherrer Institut OHSA/ CH-5232 Villigen PSI
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The more exotic, the more abstract the knowledge,
the more profound will be its consequences.
Leon Lederman
On 24 Mar 2020, at 17:59, Stephen Webb <swebb AT radiasoft.net> wrote:
<opal_backtracking.zip>Hi Andreas,
I hope you're staying well during all this.
I passed along the OPAL examples for Sirepo to our development team, so they should end up in the Examples directory soon.
Chris Hall and I have been working with Youna Park (UCLA grad student, cc'd) for modeling an injector + APS linac for an experiment. Youna has been doing backtracking work, but ran into a hitch with OPAL where we are not seeing files dumped after backtracking from the end of the gun to the beginning. I have attached the simulation files.
Any idea what the trouble might be? If you have any detailed questions about the simulation, it's probably best to ask Youna.
Thanks for your help.
- [Opal] Fwd: Issue with Backtracking in OPAL, Youna Park, 03/26/2020
- Re: [Opal] Fwd: Issue with Backtracking in OPAL, Christof Metzger-Kraus, 03/26/2020
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: [Opal] Fwd: Issue with Backtracking in OPAL, Youna, 03/26/2020
- Re: [Opal] Fwd: Issue with Backtracking in OPAL, Christof Metzger-Kraus, 03/29/2020
- RE: [Opal] Fwd: Issue with Backtracking in OPAL, Youna Park, 03/30/2020
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