opal AT lists.psi.ch
Subject: The OPAL Discussion Forum
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- From: "Li, Zhi" <zql810 AT mail.usask.ca>
- To: Christof Metzger-Kraus <christof.j.kraus AT gmail.com>
- Cc: "Boland, Mark" <mark.boland AT usask.ca>, "opal AT lists.psi.ch" <opal AT lists.psi.ch>
- Subject: Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties
- Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 19:45:33 +0000
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Hi Christof,
After adding the line
I do get the trajectory file.
However, I also want to see the trajectory properties output like the picture below.

How do I get the code to write this information on the (.out) file?
Best regards,
From: Christof Metzger-Kraus <christof.j.kraus AT gmail.com>
Sent: November 24, 2020 1:11 PM
To: Li, Zhi <zql810 AT mail.usask.ca>
Cc: opal AT lists.psi.ch <opal AT lists.psi.ch>; Boland, Mark <mark.boland AT usask.ca>
Subject: Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties
Sent: November 24, 2020 1:11 PM
To: Li, Zhi <zql810 AT mail.usask.ca>
Cc: opal AT lists.psi.ch <opal AT lists.psi.ch>; Boland, Mark <mark.boland AT usask.ca>
Subject: Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties
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Hi Zhi,
if you add
to your input file then you should find a file in the directory 'data' containing the trajectory of the reference particle.
Best regards,
On Tue, Nov 24, 2020 at 7:00 PM Li, Zhi <zql810 AT mail.usask.ca> wrote:
Hello OPAL-Team,
I'm currently learning to add a RBend component in OPAL-T.The input file is a modified version of the example RFphotoinjector.in file.
I added the following to the input file (from the OPAL manual):
Bend: RBend, ANGLE = 30.0 * Pi / 180.0,FMAPFN = "1DPROFILE1-DEFAULT",ELEMEDGE = 0.25,DESIGNENERGY = 10.0,L = 0.5,GAP = 0.02;
After the simulation finish running, I don't see any output describing the reference trajectory properties. I was expecting this information to be written in the (.out) file.
Please let me know where this information is stored. Thanks!
Best regards,Zhi
[Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties,
Li, Zhi, 11/24/2020
Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties,
Christof Metzger-Kraus, 11/24/2020
Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties,
Li, Zhi, 11/24/2020
- Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties, Christof Metzger-Kraus, 11/24/2020
Message not available
Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties,
Li, Zhi, 11/24/2020
Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties,
Adelmann Andreas (PSI), 11/24/2020
- Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties, Li, Zhi, 11/24/2020
Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties,
Adelmann Andreas (PSI), 11/24/2020
Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties,
Li, Zhi, 11/24/2020
Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties,
Li, Zhi, 11/24/2020
Re: [Opal] RBend reference particle trajectory properties,
Christof Metzger-Kraus, 11/24/2020
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